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Our quiz in order to celebrate the Sandbox Alpha Season 2 is over! We had more than 50,000 participants, and here are the results! We raffled 2000 SAND between 100 game players, who got all their answers correct, and 1 Alpha Pass to a lucky one. Congratulations to the winners!
anmilasphygerment473, Zayn, Vikas0661, heathpfeffinojolinw, WendyHorsley308841, Warren Martin, Justin Davidson, Harry Russell, almost1000, Chuzshen, ciatraprassrewantker742, Sand, nimundowndisppinsend180, Lia Siti komalasari, Mini Arnit, Rahul67, Varunredd, Ravinder jangra, vielobonamame455, Md Munna Hossain, Kazitasin, @Asep9013, kisoo, Arqsta526, hanguan, Blob, Blackhole06, ROFIQUL ISLAM, Megan Alsop, socboypreneltepal740, Diana Ball, Sagargg, Joe North, Deep321, Anna Carr, Miff, Stephanie Baker, a84430184, Justin Skinner, letreisuhenconspur303, dpawar111, Mustafizur Rahman Hridoy, teformelongdenga925, Adrian Hemmings, Slanee, Sam Payne, Ahmed2, 5beeac72, Molly Ince, Pippa Mackenzie, tioballfullbottrocktas810, Sdeblex, tendbomromarnanet257, Kimi Tornado, ohaku, Katherine Peters, Arnab Roy, vegadistate, tomis, pamoukechamgata407, vickymallick, Irene Chapman, sandfiddlezakhtangness995, Soumo, Rat tara, Liam McLean, Jason Young, zahid67989, Ciboyz, chakrabarty, Nur asiyah, Saran1, sumon741152, Muhammad Hermanto, lindtriccoldcoldlori833, Mary Ross, soheargallmontbergoe356, blogesafovanzab751, ermidiscbelldelle298, Penelope Jones, Rahmatullah, Amin, cocirepperilist527, Motiar Rahman, dwiyulita, tranminsdunastocon450, imommulrenobu897, titsisatzkondineg673, Nicholas Grant, tfinpersortsasuwor347, Irfan hasanudin, Dddanil10, KingAnto, Parmar kiran, Eka putri yanti, abraju, Youngbee, marinfields89169, Joshua Miller, Ran
And congrats to sudama332 on winning the Alpha Pass!
On April 30, a technical issue occurred where two nodes were operating simultaneously and both successfully found a block. This resulted in a case of double signing, leading to the slashing of Atomic Nodes without the ability to unjail
We’re excited to announce that we’re rolling out the beta version of our Atomic Web3 Wallet Browser Extension. We designed it to enhance your digital asset experience with cutting-edge security features, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with your favorite blockchain applications.